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“Nel temperamento americano c’è una qualità, chiamata resiliency, che abbraccia i concetti di elasticità, di rimbalzo, di risorsa e di buon umore. Una ragazza perde il patrimonio, senza stare a commisurarsi si metterà a lavare i piatti e a fabbricare cappelli. Uno studente non si sentirà svilito lavorando qualche ora in un garage o un un caffè. Ho visto l’America alla fine della presidenza Hoover, in una delle ore più tragiche della sua storia, quando tutte le banche avevano chiuso e battenti e la vita economica era ferma. L’angoscia stringeva i cuori, ma l’allegria e la fiducia splendevano nei volti di tutti. Ad ascoltare le frasi che si scambiavano si sarebbe detto che era tutto un enorme scherzo. E se qualche finanziare si gettava dalla finestra, non posso impedirmi di credere che lo facesse nella ingannevole speranza di rimbalzare” – Paul Claudel.
Il libro vuole descrivere il concetto di resilienza, un concetto che indica la capacità di far fronte in maniera positiva ad eventi ardui, di riorganizzare positivamente la propria vita dinanzi alle difficoltà, di ricostruirsi restando sensibili alle opportunità positive che la vita offre, senza alienare la propria identità. La storia narra di un ragazzo che si ritroverà a gestire una realtà che non poteva aspettarsi o prevedere, grazie alla resilienza che ha dimostrato in diverse situazioni, complesse ed ostiche, di vita.
Registered Office: Aprilia (LT), Italy
Authorized Dealer for sale
E: info.fcplace@gmail.com
S: www.fcogroup.it
Branded Content Company
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Under Management and Coordination of:
FCO HOLDING - Founded in 2020
Executive Management for International
Business & Trade
Partner of "National Guarantee Recovery Fund"
FCO HOLDING, its affiliates and subsidiaries process your personal data in order to interact with you in the context of our business activities.
All Rights Reserved
Our e-books & magazines are viewed by readers on the National and International Territory.
We take care of the Press Office, press releases and presentation: in this way we give great visibility to our ideas.
"Working with commitment and passion, FCO has won the trust of numerous followers, this is a great achievement for us!"
Fabio Conte, a very practical and precise person, was born in Aprilia in 18/10/1989. He graduated in computer science in 2008. Subsequently he enrolled at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" where he obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Banking, Insurance and Financial Markets in July 2012. He continued and finished his university studies, obtaining a degree in Business Economics in March 2015.
He began work (relating to university studies) immediately after, in May 2015 at the administrative office of a Pharmaceutical Company.
In June 2018, the development of custom brands begins. The launch of products with own brands takes place in 2019; in 2020 he creates the official website for the sponsorship of the "licensing development" of its brands; in 2021 he launches the website for the sponsorship of marketing activities. In June 2021 he publishes his first book, "The Project Origin". In 2022 he continues with other publications (Pulse Magazine - various editions; Kiamarsi Magazine; writers' agenda; universal encyclopedia of writers - X edition).
He is currently a partner in activities belonging to the food & beverage sector and projects concerning environmental sustainability, as well as collaborating in the management of FCO brands.
The Project Origin (novel)
- Technology & Training;
- Civil Rights & Economic Growth;
- Environment & Health;