The brand wants to convey the importance of the role of the CEO in a Company.
A successful CEO would be a charismatic person, graduated in a prestigious University, with a great strategic Vision, accompanied by a process that inevitably leads to the top, with the ability to make optimal decisions when under pressure.
The brand wants to convey the importance of the role of Lawyer.
The lawyer is a professional expert in law who provides assistance in favor of a party in the trial, acting as a consultant and legal representative, both judicial and extra-judicial, on behalf of his client.
The brand wants to convey the importance of security vigilance.
A Private security vigilance with its men and its services, can play an important role in guaranteeing urban security, integrating the great work carried out by the forces of public order.
“Nel temperamento americano c’è una qualità, chiamata resiliency, che abbraccia i concetti di elasticità, di rimbalzo, di risorsa e di buon umore. Una ragazza perde il patrimonio, senza stare a commisurarsi si metterà a lavare i piatti e a fabbricare cappelli. Uno studente non si sentirà svilito lavorando qualche ora in un garage o un un caffè. Ho visto l’America alla fine della presidenza Hoover, in una delle ore più tragiche della sua storia, quando tutte le banche avevano chiuso e battenti e la vita economica era ferma. L’angoscia stringeva i cuori, ma l’allegria e la fiducia splendevano nei volti di tutti. Ad ascoltare le frasi che si scambiavano si sarebbe detto che era tutto un enorme scherzo. E se qualche finanziare si gettava dalla finestra, non posso impedirmi di credere che lo facesse nella ingannevole speranza di rimbalzare” – Paul Claudel.
Il libro vuole descrivere il concetto di resilienza, un concetto che indica la capacità di far fronte in maniera positiva ad eventi ardui, di riorganizzare positivamente la propria vita dinanzi alle difficoltà, di ricostruirsi restando sensibili alle opportunità positive che la vita offre, senza alienare la propria identità. La storia narra di un ragazzo che si ritroverà a gestire una realtà che non poteva aspettarsi o prevedere, grazie alla resilienza che ha dimostrato in diverse situazioni, complesse ed ostiche, di vita.
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E: fco.treasury@gmail.com
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Branded Content Company
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FCO BRAND HOLDING - Executive Management for International B&T (Business & Trade)
FCO BRAND HOLDING, its affiliates and subsidiaries process your personal data in order to interact with you in the context of our business activities.
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An online platform that allows customers & partners to show their new collections to a specific audience even without physical presence. The contents that are provided can be technical data sheets, static photos or small product videos. This tool is indispensable for salespeople who can show products in detail to potential partners.
With this showroom we think we have intercepted what our customers really need. For every activity there are constant and common needs: in every activity, first of all, people work who share the desire to improve themselves and the world around us. FCO has long learned to look beyond, learning to ask itself what the best choices to make are. Our work demands respect but also a lot of care and attention. We are of the opinion that we will be able to communicate this information with our products in the portfolio and we are certain that this form of business is the right example that can inspire future generations.
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"No temperamento americano existe uma qualidade, chamada resiliência, que abraça os conceitos de elasticidade, ricochete, recurso e bom humor.
Uma rapariga perde o seu património, sem ser proporcionada, começa a lavar pratos e a fazer chapéus. Uma estudante não se sentirá degradada por trabalhar algumas horas numa garagem ou num café. Vi a América no final da presidência da Hoover, numa das horas mais trágicas da sua história, quando todos os bancos tinham fechado e a vida económica estava num impasse.
A angústia apertava os corações, mas a felicidade e a confiança brilhavam no rosto de todos. Ouvindo as frases que trocaram, ter-se-ia dito que era tudo uma enorme piada. E se algum financiador se atirasse pela janela, não posso deixar de acreditar que o fez na esperança enganadora de saltar para trás "- Paul Claudel.
O livro visa descrever o conceito de resiliência, um conceito que indica a capacidade de lidar positivamente com acontecimentos difíceis, de reorganizar positivamente a própria vida face às dificuldades, de se reconstruir a si próprio, mantendo-se sensível às oportunidades positivas que a vida oferece, sem alienar a própria identidade.
A história conta sobre um rapaz que se encontrará a gerir uma realidade que não podia esperar ou prever, graças à resiliência que demonstrou em várias situações complexas e difíceis da vida.
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"The Strength of the Origins"
"You will never know how strong you are, as long as being strong is the only choice you have."
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"The businesses success is ensured by the self-control with which they are carried out."
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The brand wants to transmit an ideal of life, order and discipline: the design wants to represent a skyscraper, the result of a commitment to grow according to good rules and customs.
The brand wants to transmit the importance of the Egyptian god Horus: son of Isis and Osiris, it symbolizes the balance of the natural world; it represented the lord of prophecy, music, art and beauty and it was identified as the eye of a hawk. Later it was recognized as a symbol of nobility, archetype of the pharaohs.
The brand wants to transmit the importance of Atlas in Greek mythology: he was the first to represent the world through a sphere and was forced by Zeus to hold, on his shoulders, the whole heavenly vault for having allied with his father, Cronus, who threw the Titans against the Olympian gods.
The brand wants to transmit the importance of the noble title “Conte”: it derives from the Latin comes, comitis - pl. Comites, literally "companion" and took various roles in history: in particular it was a title used for imperial officials, for responsibilities and noble privileges or for those who had followed the emperor in his battle and had distinguished himself for some merit.
The brand wants to transmit the importance of Conte in the Holy Roman Empire: he was a count who enjoyed imperial immediacy, a direct vassal of the Emperor and holder of a county or sovereign lordship; he could be admitted to the constituency of the "Counts and Gentlemen "belonging to the Council of Princes.
"What makes Personal Branding positive is that not only the company but also its employees are Motivated to Build a Positive Image"
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When we talk about marketing, we are talking about a process that starts from a series of medium-long term business objectives. The diagnosis of demand and competition proves to be fundamental, which can identify the needs and requirements of current and potential customers, as well as establish the most appropriate actions to satisfy them, creating a mutual advantage for customers and the company.
In recent years, the word has taken on various shades of meaning, having to adapt to changes in the socio-economic context in which companies have found themselves operating. Thanks to scientific and technological development, which has allowed new and more diversified ways of interacting between companies and customers, there has been an ever greater orientation towards the customer, which has generated a radical change of perspective. Over time, transactional marketing ("make and sell") has been definitively replaced by relationship marketing ("sense and reply").
We have moved from a company concept focused on production, therefore on Taylorism or Fordism, to a customer-focused, marketing-oriented company concept.
If the first pursues turnover objectives and aims to sell everything it has produced based solely on production potential, the second aims to make a profit by producing only what it believes it can sell, based on the needs of its reference demand. In particular, the priority activity of the marketing oriented company is to identify and stimulate the needs of consumers, as well as promote products or services suitable for satisfying them, adapting production processes and sales strategies from time to time to different desires and preferences of customers.
FCO is currently oriented towards developing relationships with stakeholders, in order to extend and develop Partnerships and visibility within and beyond national borders (Globe Network System).